Episode: Interview - Shawn Kelly Duration: 30:04 Record date: July 27, 1990 Accession: MAM-GG-047 00:16 - 30:04 - Interview with Shawn Kelly speaking about his role with the Gay Games and his views on the games
Episode: Words Without Borders, Men's Tennis, and Pride Parade Duration: 31:07 Record date: August 6, 1990 Accession: MAM-GG-004 00:00 - 00:22 - Colour Bars (Yves Navarre audible) 00:22 - 04:27 - Yves Navarre speaking at Words Without Borders, 2nd part of his presentation - french presentation of Our Share of Time 04:28 - 05:03...
Episode: Interview - Daniel Collins and Volunteer Pep Rally Duration: 30:18 Record date: N/A Accession: MAM-GG-011 00:02 - 12:39 - Interview with Daniel Collins 12:39 - 30:18 - Volunteer Pep Rally. Shawn Kelly, Betty Baxter, Mark Mees, Heather Williams in attendance