Episode: AIDS Vancouver Office Duration: 23:41 Record date: July 26, 1990 Accession: MAM-GG-005 00:01 - 11:05 - AIDS Vancouver office, stuffing envelopes 11:06 - 17:51 - Rick Marchand speaking about how the AIDS kits project got started and how he got involved 17:51 - 23:41 - Envelope stuffing
Episode: Women's Soccer, Words Without Borders Gala Duration: 30:52 Record date: August 5, 1990 Accession: MAM-GG-042 00:06 -00:56 - Interview with a woman from the Vancouver Tsonoqua soccer team 00:57 - 03:55 - Women's soccer (Vancouver vs. Santa Cruz), shots of crowd, and interviews with spectators 03:55 - 06:53 - Pre Words Without Borders...