Special: Robin Tyler Duration: 30:15 Airing date: 10 & 11 May 1981 Record date: 3 May 1981 Episode Producers: Philip Bailie, Stephanie McVie Accession: GV-079-1 00:34 Program start Gayblevision’s ‘Robin Tyler Special’ (the first in a series of specials) combines interview footage recorded during her visit to Vancouver in 1981 (Interviewer: Lori Albert) and...
Episode: July 1985 Duration: 1:00:15 Airing Date: 1, 15 July 1985 Record date: June 1985 Episode Producers: Lloyd Nicholson Accession: GV-057 00:42-02:25 Intro with hosts Claude Hewitt and Ron Kearse 02:26-15:28 Lloyd Nicholson interviews performer Grant Heisler* in Vancouver from Montreal to teach workshops with The Fools Society. Demonstration of Bouffon instruction. 15:29-16:31 A profile...
Episode: Christmas Show 1985 Duration: 37:33 Airing date: 2, 16 December 1985 Record date: Not available Episode Producers:Ron Kearse, Claude Hewitt Accession: GV-085 00:16-02:00 Intro 02:01-10:10 ‘Lesbians Celebrate Christmas Too’: story reading by author with skit elements. (Author: Linda M. Franchi. Assisted by Paddy Kennedy and Karen) 10:11- 13:37 Pastor Ernie Lacasse, Metropolitan Community Church, on...
Episode: 19 Duration: 31:48 Airing date: 4 & 18 January 1982 Record date: 22 December 1981 Episode Producers: Philip Bailie Accession: GV-019 A Retrospective of 1981 Gayblevision Programming 00:34-02:19 Intro 02:20-03:03 Information about ‘SEARCH’ offering services & hotline to the Gay community 03:04-03:37 Vancouver Gay Community Centre V.G.C.C. (community events & funding) 03:38-06:45 Musical...
Episode: 20 Duration: 34:35 Airing date: 1 & 15 February 1982 Record date: 30 January 1982 Episode Producers: Colleen French, Barry Spillman Accession: GV-020 00:35-01:50 Intro 01:51- 08:43 Travelogue with Brian Story, Travel Agent for the gay traveler. (Director: Don Durrell. Crew: Don Larventz. Graphics: Ken Morley) 08:44-11:18 Horse's Ass Award: article in...
Episode: 7 Duration: 31:04 Airing date: 6 January 1981 Record date: 30 December 1980 Producers: Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen, Philip Bailie Accession: GV-007 A Retrospective of Past Shows with a Special Look Behind the Scenes 00:50-02:56 ‘Homosexuals Give Birth on Stanley Court': an excerpt from the June 30, 1980 episode of the Vancouver Cable...
Episode: 6 Duration: 30:34 Airing date: 1 December 1980 Record date: 30 November 1980 Episode Producers: Mary Anne McEwen, Gregg Cutts Accession: GV-006 00:19-02:13 Intro 02:14-04:12 Music by Heather & Brenda live from the Gandy Dancer and the Quadra, also 08:29-10:50 & 26:11-28:27 (Crew: Barry Spillman, Lori Albert, Philip Baillie, Greg Cutts, Don Durrell, Dave...