Episode: Interview - AIDS Vancouver Staff Duration: 23:13 Record date: July 26, 1990 Accession: MAM-GG-006 00:01 - 23:13 - Interview with AIDS Vancouver staff (Mylo Riley and Coreen Douglas) regarding the AIDS Awareness Kits
Episode: AIDS Vancouver Office Duration: 23:41 Record date: July 26, 1990 Accession: MAM-GG-005 00:01 - 11:05 - AIDS Vancouver office, stuffing envelopes 11:06 - 17:51 - Rick Marchand speaking about how the AIDS kits project got started and how he got involved 17:51 - 23:41 - Envelope stuffing
Episode: Pacific Wave 5 Duration: 29:51 Airing date: 2 & 16 April 1984 Record date: Not available Episode Producers: Don Durrell, Barry Spillman Accession: GV-066 'A.I.D.S. : A Community Responds' 00:20-00:38 Intro 00:38-03:32 Interview with Dr. Kevin Cahill M.D. New York Hospital, also 09:26-12:05, 25:43-27:20 03:33-05:46 Paul Popham of Gay Men’s Health Crisis,...