Episode: 1 Duration: 28:09 Airing date: 7 July 1980 Record date: May, June 1980 Producers: Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen, Verne Powers Accession: GV-001 Legacy Donor: Jolene Cumming 00:08- 01:11 Producers Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen and Verne Powers introduce the first episode of Gayblevision. 01:12 - 07:27 Rob: Review of Hamburger Mary's of Gerry Gauguin/René Cavalier. (Director:...
Episode: 2 Duration: 30:00 Airing date: 4 August 1980 Record date: 4 August 1980 Producers: Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen Accession: GV-002 00:19- Credits 30:08-32:04 Intro 32:05-34:35 Talent Night at Faces: Red Tucher & The Rhythm Ramblers. (Director: Dave Stewart. Production Crew: V.Powers/M.A. McEwen/G. Cutts/P. Bailie/Jeffrey Ross/Alan McInroy/Jean Murphy/Neil Snow/Curtis) 34:36-39:05 City Hall vs. Gay Unity....
Episode: 3 Duration: 30:57 Airing date: 1 September 1980 Record date: 31 August 1980 Episode Producers: Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen, Verne Powers Accession: GV-003 00:50-02:40 Intro 02:41-04:55 ‘Lesbian Feminism Part 1’: Observations by Danyele Leroux of Lesbians and Feminist Mother’s Political Action Group (L.A.F.M.P.A.G.); Silva Tenenbein, host of Coop Radio’s Lesbian Show Collective; Mary...
Episode: 4 Duration: 30:36 Airing date: 6 October 1980 Record date: 5 October 1980 Episode Producers: Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen, Verne Powers Accession: GV-004 00:20-03:10 Intro featuring Craig Russell 03:11-07:40 Craig Russell, Canadian drag queen and actor. Talks about his show “Toronto the Good”; first experience as drag queen. 07:41-09:44 Gay Ball Game: Recap...
Episode: 5 Duration: 30:22 Airing date: 3 November 1980 Record date: 2 November 1980 Episode Producers: Gregg Cutts, Mary Anne McEwen Accession: GV-005 00:15-02:35 Intro 02:36-03:09 'Closet Tour of the West End' (comedic interludes), also at 08:07-08:58, 13:23-13:57, 17:57-18:25, 22:36-24:05 03:10-08:06 Playwright Tennessee Williams interview includes his views on “the Gay situation”, Gay militancy, and...
Episode: 6 Duration: 30:34 Airing date: 1 December 1980 Record date: 30 November 1980 Episode Producers: Mary Anne McEwen, Gregg Cutts Accession: GV-006 00:19-02:13 Intro 02:14-04:12 Music by Heather & Brenda live from the Gandy Dancer and the Quadra, also 08:29-10:50 & 26:11-28:27 (Crew: Barry Spillman, Lori Albert, Philip Baillie, Greg Cutts, Don Durrell, Dave...