49 Years of SVES Programs
The Satellite Video Exchange Society – operating as Video Inn, Video In, Video In Studios, and VIVO Media Arts Centre – has had public programming since 1973. Some of these events have been documented. So has, much rarely and more informally, the internal workings of the collective and organization, and its cultural workers. The technical quality and breadth of documentation varies through the decades, impacted by funding, technology, and collective will. The kinds of documentation represented here include publications, video recordings, audio recordings, photographic materials, textual records, and ephemera.
We have been assisted in our efforts to make our AV documentation accessible by Library and Archive Canada’ Documentary Heritage Communities Program. Over the past year 115 videos, 20 audio recordings and 500 photos were digitized. This is only the beginning of our efforts to digitize historic AV documents of SVES activities in recognition of our 50th anniversary in 2023.
The decade tabs (above) take you listings of events/activities. You will be able to link directly to a video or a webpage with the digitized documentation. In the case of some videos, the link will take you to an abbreviated version of the documentation, however, you can still request access to the full documentation.
Any restrictions to online access are due to copyright and privacy reasons.
Event Chronology
VIVO is one year into a three-year project to create a new online database for our collections. For that reason we are providing only minimal information here for each event. For a guide to the first two decades download Working Chronology 1971-1994, a searchable OCR PDF.
Content Note
Please take care when navigating or accessing any archival resources. You may encounter outdated or actively harmful terminology, and other materials may depict or reflect harmful perspectives and exclusions. If you need support or wish to discuss any of the materials, please reach out to library@vivomediaarts.com.
Website Listings [2011-2022] Flickr [2013-2019] YouTube
This Project has been made possible in part by the Documentary Heritage Communities Program offered by Library and Archives Canada / Ce projet a été rendu possible en partie grâce au Programme pour les collectivités du patrimoine documentaire offert par Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.