VIVO Media Arts Centre Archive > Specials > GBV Special: B.C. Human Rights Rally

GBV Special: B.C. Human Rights Rally

Special: B.C. Human Rights Rally
Duration: 31:16
Airing date: 25 July 1983

Record date: 23 July 1983
Episode Producers: Don Durrell, Barry Spillman
Accession: GV-091

A July 23, 1983 rally organized by The BC Human Rights Coalition, a non-profit community-based organization promoting human rights throughout BC and Canada, in response to the recently elected Social Credit government of BC dismantling of Human Rights and other legislation. 200,000 people joined the march to the rally under Georgia Viaducts in downtown Vancouver. Rally speakers:

00:18-01:57 Footage of march. “B.C. Life” song, written and performed by Bruce Wozney

01:58–06:47 Mayor Michael Harcourt

06:48-09:33 Hanna Jensen, ex-Executive director of the Human Rights Branch

09:34-13:01 Charan Gill, B.C. Organization To Fight Racism

13:02-20:20 Frances Wasserlien, Women Against the Budget

20:21-22:26 Kim Zander, Co-Ordinator, Unemployed Action Centre

22:27-24:12 Jill Weiss, B.C. Coalition of the Disabled

24:13-26:44 Jack Munro, President, International Woodworkers of America

26:45-30:12 Father Jim Roberts, Professor, Langara College

30:00-31:16 Credits

More info on Operation Solidarity and the political coalition opposing the Social Credit government.