GBV Episode 24

Episode: 24
Duration: 34:06
Airing date: 7 & 24 June 1982

Record date: 6 June 1982
Episode Producers: Colleen French, Barry Spillman
Accession: GV-024 

00:17-02:00 Intro

02:01-11:20 More than just a Painted Face: a behind the scenes segment of the show ‘Bloolips’

11:21-13:07 A promotional piece for ‘A Mid Summer Nights’ Dream’

13:08-15:35 Mary Anne McEwen & Greg Cutts celebrate Gayblevision’s two year anniversary, making it the world’s longest running Gay TV program. Includes how Gayblevision was started, also 22:35-22:47, 30:15-31:04

15:36-22:34 An extended preview of “The Metropolitan Community Church” documentary produced by Mary Anne McEwen and Gregg Cutts and the church’s Gay inclusion practices, also 22:48-30:14

30:15-33:08 Don Larventz updates the status of several censorship issues around the country, including ‘Body Politic’ second trial;  Glad Day Books and Body Politic raids; “Flaunting It” (Editors: Stan Persky and Ed Jackson) was returned from the Toronto printer because of their fear of possible legal charges.

33:09-33:36 Horse’s Ass Award to Roy McMurtry, the Attorney General of Ontario, for his continued intimidation of the ‘Body Politic’ magazine for publishing material related to gay culture

33:37-34:06 Coming Up in Gay Vancouver: Robin Tyler (comedian) at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre

No credits.




Body Politic