Special: The Facts On AIDS
Duration: 30:47
Airing date: 22, 25, 28 August 1983
Accession: GV-093
Experts discuss the current medical understanding of HIV/AIDS including its risks to others, the public health point of view, explained by interviewees: Dr. R.G. Mathias, Consultant Epidemiologist, BC Community Health Services, Dr. Michael Maynard; and Noah Stewart from AIDS Vancouver.
00:48-02:21 Intro
02:22-17:04 Current medical understanding of HIV/AIDS – what it is, its risks to others, the public health point of view –explained by Dr. R.G. Mathias.
16:28-18:15 Forms of virus transmission, theories re parallels with Hepatitis B. Explanation by Dr. R.G. Mathias and Dr. Michael Maynard.
18:15-23:58 Noah Stewart talks about the reasons behind the formation of AIDS Vancouver, their strategies for information dissemination, organizational structure, and recommendations to those at risk.
23:59-29:36 Dr. R.G. Mathias on status of HIV/AIDS research, committee advising Health & Welfare Canada, what is known about reducing risk, HIV symptoms.
29:37 Credits. (Camera: Warren Jensen. Crew: Joan Tickle. Editors: Don Durrell; Barry Spillman.)