GBV Episode 18

Episode: 18
Duration: 32:07
Airing date: 7 & 21 December 1981

Record date: 5 December 1981
Episode Producers: Philip Bailie
Accession: GV-018


 00:31-01:49 Intro

01:50-06:24 Question of the Month: ‘Does Good Will to All Men Include Homosexuals?’

06:25-16:39 Gay Gift Suggestions include gift certificates at Innerworks Tanks (personal floatation tank services)

16:40-21:46 Musical performance by Red Tucker & The Rhythm Ramblers (folk). Interview with Glen Watts (accordion)

21:47-24:28 Musical performance by Carol Street & David Sereda (guitar & vocal)

24:49-31:00 Coming Up in Vancouver (community calendar)

31:01-32:07 Credits: Hosted by Colleen French. Brought to you by Don Durrell; Colleen French; Don Larventz; Mary Anne McEwen; Barry Spillman; Lyell Walker.