GBV Episode 13 Pt 2

Episode: 13 Pt 2
Duration: 30:10
Airing date: 12 July 1982

Record date: 20 July 1982
Episode Producers: Philip Bailie, Stephanie McVie
Accession: GV-013B

A Gayblevision Retrospective Pt 2

Intro 00:40-02:33

02:30-6:09 ‘Sharing the Obvious’: excerpt of Don Larventz’s satire of the CBC program ‘Sharing the Secret’.

06:10-09:19 Dramatization of the Gay bath raids (Toronto/Edmonton) and interview with Darlene Marzari (former Alderperson) and Inspector Lorne McLean (Police Liaison Committee)

09:20-11:10 Politics with Pat Carney M.P.

11:11-12:40 Religion  with Rev. Elder Troy Perry of the Metropolitan Community Church

12:41-14:10 Carol Street, folk musician

14:11-16:03 David Serada, pianist

16:04-17:24 Profiles of  Gay organizations featuring S.E.A.R.C.H. and V.G.C.C.

17:25-20:35 Comedian Robin Tyler

20:36-24:40 Interview with BC author Jane Rule

24:41-26:15 ‘The Gay impact on Art’

26:17-28:57 National Lesbian Conference ’81: photo and audio documentation of a march and rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery steps. Video of Sylva Tenenbein, Regional Reporter for Vancouver, addressing delegates on the activities of the anti-Gay groups in Vancouver trying to legislate Gay people “back into the closet”.

28:58-30:10 Acknowledgements