GBV Episode 13 Pt 1

Episode: 13
Duration: 31:10
Airing date: 6 July 1981

Record date: 21 June 1981
Episode Producers: Philip Bailie, Stephanie McVie
Accession: GV-013A

A Gayblevision Retrospective Pt 1
01:04 Program start

00:10 Program start & intro

03:37-06:30 Interview with author Tennessee Williams by Verne Powers

06:30-08:00 Craig Russell with Gayblevision gang

08:01-10:36 Red Tucker & The Rhythm Ramblers

09:50-11:20 Jim Trenholme, S.P.A.G. Gay Politics

11:21-15:58 Gay Sports

15:59-17:09 Gay Gospel

17:10-19:27 Heather & Brenda

19:28 -20:36 Sappho: Gay History & Herstory

20:37-25:06 Bent

25:07-30:21 Behind the scenes at Gablevision w/bloopers (Director: Mary Anne McEwen & Philip Bailie With Thanks)